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Tragic Incident: Florida Man Dies After Self-Immolation Near NYC Courthouse

In a heartbreaking update, a man from Florida has died after setting himself on fire near a courthouse in New York City. The incident, which occurred earlier this week, has sparked discussions about mental health and public safety.

The man, whose identity has not been disclosed pending family notification, was found by pedestrians and quickly attended to by emergency responders. Despite their efforts, he succumbed to his injuries shortly after being taken to a nearby hospital.

Authorities are investigating the circumstances leading up to the incident, including reviewing security footage from the area and speaking with witnesses. Preliminary findings suggest that the act was intentional, though the reasons behind it remain unclear.

“This is a devastating occurrence, and our hearts go out to the family of the deceased,” stated an NYPD spokesperson. The incident has raised concerns about the availability and accessibility of mental health resources.

Community leaders and mental health advocates are calling for increased awareness and support systems to prevent such tragedies in the future. “We need to ensure that everyone has access to the help they need before reaching a point of despair,” emphasized a local mental health counselor.

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